Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Truth About Stretch Marks

The skin is an elastic organ and can stretch and contract as needed, but sometimes the tissue gets damaged when stretched too far and too rapidly. The structural damage is within the dermis, which the skin can no longer repair, making the scars permanent. Despite the unscientific claims of some commercial products, stretch marks never disappear entirely and could only improve in appearance.

Image source: HufftingtonPost.com

Some treatments backed by science include the application of tretinoin, known more by brand names such as Retin-A, Renova, and Avita. These retinoid creams are available only by prescription, work only on new scars, and should not be used by pregnant and nursing women. It works by rebuilding collagen, a protein that promotes elasticity, which can improve the appearance of stretch marks to blend with the skin.

Image source: activelife.fitness

Similarly, light and laser therapy also stimulates collagen production and is recommended by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery for fixing stretch marks.

Surgical procedures such as a tummy tuck or other skin tightening treatments can provide the added benefit of eradicating stretch marks when excess skin is removed.

Dr. Kenneth M. Reed is a seasoned medical professional and a member of the New England Dermatology Society and American Society of Dermatological Surgery. He is also the founder of DermASAP, a dermatological center focused on providing urgent skin care to patients. Subscribe to this blog for more updates on dermatology.